Well what we think about it.
We don't want to accept it's real Bill or to deny it.
But we would like to share some opinions.
1. It's a manip.
Actually we aren't good with such things as photoshop and we can't say the photo looks fake. As for us it looks pretty real, but.
NO. There are some people (who aren't Tokio Hotel fans and they're good with graphic things) who confirm it's not a manip: mainly because the light is correct and it's definitely difficult to photoshop this way.
Can anybody find the original photo? At least some photos from that day where Bill has the same stuff?
YES. The right girl's hand is kinda strange. It seems to be pretty long and doesn't have an elbow.
The right Bill's hand looks pretty like it hovers in the air.
And the lips are way blurred. Well, we can't even see Bill's lips, hah.
If this photo was taken by stalkers/paparazzi, so there should be more photos. It would be really strange if they would take just this one.
2. It's not Bill.
NO. We read some fans were talking Bill hasn't such jacket. Excuse us, but how can they know Bill's wardrobe? The last time we saw Bill in public was on December in Tokyo. Now it's 5th of January and it's obviously he could had 1.000.000 times of shopping.
Some girls said this Bill has not painted nails. Hah it's like the real one always paints his nails? What's a fairytale?
Can anybody find a Bill-look-alike guy who pretends to be Bill on this photo? We doubt a cosplay lives somewhere and nobody has seen/known him/her.
YES. The one thing that confuses us is broad shoulders :D:D In other way we think he looks kinda like the real Bill.
3. It's a "special production shot".
YES. There was the same thing with Tom & Chantelle to make buzz around the band while they're preparing the new songs, so why it can't be with his brother too?
Everytime Bill says "I will tell the fans if i have a girlfriend, i can't cheat them." so we still believe him, don't we?
NO. The photos with Tom & Chantelle were VERY professional and this one looks like it really was taken by paparazzi. The quality isn't good enough, plus even if it would be a special PR-photo, it's made professionally. We mean it's made such way that can show it's like a private-life photo, not a stage moment.
Everytime when Bill will appear with a girl, the fans think as default - it's not his real girl, but the model for promotion & making rumors, right?
Relax, guys, we all still haven't any confirmed information, so we just need to wait. And please don't act like it's the end of your life. It would be extremely silly if you would want to die after hearing the news Bill finally has a girl, don't you think so?
And haha, what a sweet kick to everyone who thinks Bill is a gay!
But our personal opinion is we think Bill has a girlfriend more than doesn't have.
Even if it's a fake photo, we think there is the real Bill's girl.
After walking around the internet, discussing some facts & reading some opinions we accept
this one is PHOTOSHOPPED!
Remember, this is just our opinion,
this is absolutely NOT Arthur/Arti from Russia
we doubt this is Bill's cosplay Alex from Belarus who was mixed up with Arti HERE
read please the other post of us called Poor girl
we DO NOT prove for 100% this is the same girl but for us it looks kinda so
we still think this is the real Bill on the photo, but the girl was photoshopped to him
Okay, so now maybe we'll discuss something else? ;);)
P.S. Some russian girls who believe Bill is a gay, relax, darlings coz we're worried you could get heart attack after you heard about Bill kissing a girl, hahaha.
We don't want to accept it's real Bill or to deny it.
But we would like to share some opinions.
1. It's a manip.
Actually we aren't good with such things as photoshop and we can't say the photo looks fake. As for us it looks pretty real, but.
NO. There are some people (who aren't Tokio Hotel fans and they're good with graphic things) who confirm it's not a manip: mainly because the light is correct and it's definitely difficult to photoshop this way.
Can anybody find the original photo? At least some photos from that day where Bill has the same stuff?
YES. The right girl's hand is kinda strange. It seems to be pretty long and doesn't have an elbow.
The right Bill's hand looks pretty like it hovers in the air.
And the lips are way blurred. Well, we can't even see Bill's lips, hah.
If this photo was taken by stalkers/paparazzi, so there should be more photos. It would be really strange if they would take just this one.
2. It's not Bill.
NO. We read some fans were talking Bill hasn't such jacket. Excuse us, but how can they know Bill's wardrobe? The last time we saw Bill in public was on December in Tokyo. Now it's 5th of January and it's obviously he could had 1.000.000 times of shopping.
Some girls said this Bill has not painted nails. Hah it's like the real one always paints his nails? What's a fairytale?
Can anybody find a Bill-look-alike guy who pretends to be Bill on this photo? We doubt a cosplay lives somewhere and nobody has seen/known him/her.
YES. The one thing that confuses us is broad shoulders :D:D In other way we think he looks kinda like the real Bill.
3. It's a "special production shot".
YES. There was the same thing with Tom & Chantelle to make buzz around the band while they're preparing the new songs, so why it can't be with his brother too?
Everytime Bill says "I will tell the fans if i have a girlfriend, i can't cheat them." so we still believe him, don't we?
NO. The photos with Tom & Chantelle were VERY professional and this one looks like it really was taken by paparazzi. The quality isn't good enough, plus even if it would be a special PR-photo, it's made professionally. We mean it's made such way that can show it's like a private-life photo, not a stage moment.
Everytime when Bill will appear with a girl, the fans think as default - it's not his real girl, but the model for promotion & making rumors, right?
Relax, guys, we all still haven't any confirmed information, so we just need to wait. And please don't act like it's the end of your life. It would be extremely silly if you would want to die after hearing the news Bill finally has a girl, don't you think so?
And haha, what a sweet kick to everyone who thinks Bill is a gay!
But our personal opinion is we think Bill has a girlfriend more than doesn't have.
Even if it's a fake photo, we think there is the real Bill's girl.
After walking around the internet, discussing some facts & reading some opinions we accept
this one is PHOTOSHOPPED!
Remember, this is just our opinion,
this is absolutely NOT Arthur/Arti from Russia
we doubt this is Bill's cosplay Alex from Belarus who was mixed up with Arti HERE
read please the other post of us called Poor girl
we DO NOT prove for 100% this is the same girl but for us it looks kinda so
we still think this is the real Bill on the photo, but the girl was photoshopped to him
Okay, so now maybe we'll discuss something else? ;);)
P.S. Some russian girls who believe Bill is a gay, relax, darlings coz we're worried you could get heart attack after you heard about Bill kissing a girl, hahaha.
=) например я не верю ) пока не найду фотку HD =)
ОтветитьУдалитьIt is a FAKE! The only true here is what Bill's head, which was inserted into this picture. My opinion!
ОтветитьУдалитьYes, is fake. But from the 1st glance looks kinda like real :D:D
ОтветитьУдалитьHow are you able to confirm it is fake?
ОтветитьУдалитьFirst that didn't seem a real fake for us, but,
ОтветитьУдалитьread our arguments YES/NO in the section "It's a manip.", we think it's pretty clear Bill )or half-Bill) is real on the photo and this girl is photoshopped to him.
+ we were walking around the internet where people found some good proofs, at least it's enough for us to think it's fake
But of course it's just our opinion.
ногти на руках не накрашены! косплей!)
ОтветитьУдалитьНу и что, что ненакрашены) Он уже появлялся однажды с чистыми ногтями)
ОтветитьУдалитьА вообще в всемирном фандоме пришли к выводу, что это настоящий, но ФШ, вот оригинал фото ищут.
да ну... где он был в такой позе?! и вообще он эту шапку уже давно променял на шапку-косу-русскую-красу из токио xD мне кажется это прекрааааснейший косплеист
ОтветитьУдалитьФотошоп однозначно))))
ОтветитьУдалитьИ об этом косплеисте до сих пор никто не знает? Да ну)
ОтветитьУдалитьПо возвращению из Токио вроде - фотки, сделанные фанатами. По крупицам, говорят, собрали)
фотку для Фш собирала эта баба по частям)
ОтветитьУдалитьТакая талантливая девочка)
ОтветитьУдалитьдевчоа бы свой талант да в нормальное русло! всякие истерички неадекватные ведь уже небось вешаются, пока антанелла наша веселится с ФШ :)
ОтветитьУдалитьдевочка из Ниццы, просто сделала себя с Биллом, при чём парень - который по идее на фото - совсем не Билл. фото можно даже не искать ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьлицо Билла она сделала в фотошопе с помощью кистей всяких и текстур, это легко делается, я тоже умею так, но блин, это долго и упорно надо делать, я бы запарилась :D
+там есть ляпы, и очень очевидные.
1. у девушки рука, которой она якобы обнимает "Билла" - выгибается так, как несвойственно человеку, да и к тому же, где там большой палец?!
2. у Билла не побриты бока и не накрашены ногти. когда наша принцесса последний раз так появлялась?
3. фото, очевидно, что ванильное. и как многим кажется - на какой-то крыше. Билл гуляет по крышам Лос-Анджелеса? :D мило)
4. в просвете у девушки нет руки. как так?!
и наконец-то 5! :DD
когда наша принцесса являлась без охраны??
да и вообще, если бы это было правда, то была бы серия фото. как Том с Шантель. а не одно фото, не пойми какого качества вообще))
+девушку нашли на ютубе, где она сделала видео с этой фотографией, и написала, что это фотошоп и что она сделала это для себя и выложила на своём профиле (не помню где), а кто-то увидел и скинул кому-то из Малайзии, а офк в свою очередь на твиттере пустил слух, что Билл со своей девушкой.
Как все сложно и запутанно)
ОтветитьУдалить+ 1000000000000000000 Кристина!
ОтветитьУдалитьа где это видео, если его нашли?) чего тогда каналы растрещались? меня это настораживает :D
ОтветитьУдалитьWest Beverly, видео мы на ютубе тоже не видели, да в принципе не заморачивались тем, чтобы искать)
ОтветитьУдалитьА вот каналы растрещались потому что есть такие умные фанаты, которые написали в редакции Bild, Stern, на ТВ-каналы и поприсылали фотку эту, дабы сделать а-ля историю с Пинки)
ну, мб))
ОтветитьУдалитьвсе ищут оригинал и никак найти не могут, но это не факт, что такой фотографии нет) он может быть и есть, но в инет её не выложили :DD у меня или глюки, или девушка азиатка) с узкими глазами) в аэропорту или где там в Японии Билл был в этих же очках вроде) так вот у меня мысль проскользнула, может, она Японка, нафотала его там, а потом смонтировала :DDD
аахахха бред, конечно :D
и действительно может быть, что Билла собрали по частям)
тем более, что недочёты явно есть и довольно заметны)
я тоже склоняюсь к варианту фотошоп)
ждём, что будет дальше :D
Наверное, фанаты пошумят-пошумят и успокоятся)
ОтветитьУдалитьНу, а мы лично не исключаем, что у Билла действительно уже давно есть девушка)
да, я тоже так иногда думаю, что она у него есть и уже давно) но я не думаю, что он бы её столько времени скрывал, а теперь спалился так тупо :D
ОтветитьУдалитьесли она есть, то целуется он с ней явно не на людях, а где-нибудь дома)
к тому же как бы сейчас альбом пишется, и если бизоньё узнает о его девушке, то.. :D то я не понимаю логики Кавалица :DD провал альбома обеспечен
а Кавалицы как бы сопродюсеры
и им это явно на руку не будет
чисто моё имхо хд
но, как бы то ни было, нам с ним детей не крестить, так что если фш - поржали и живём дальше, а если реально - возрадуемся :D
Это точно, согласны с тобой!
ОтветитьУдалитьthis girl is Bill himself! :D
ОтветитьУдалитьI just like the helpful information you provide for your articles.
ОтветитьУдалитьI will bookmark your blog and check once more here frequently.
I'm fairly sure I will be informed lots of new stuff right right here!
Best of luck for the next!
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